In the event that all of a person's teeth is already missing, it is best to consult with an extreme makeover dentist to determine how to replace the entire set. Some jaws might not have enough bone to support roots for each individual replacement tooth, so other options may be explored. Practices like Houston Smile Docs, for instance, offer Denture-Lock as an alternative to standard dental implants and a viable option for those who want an extreme smile makeover. When they determine that the amount of bone is not enough to support implants for a complete set of missing teeth, they recommend Denture-Lock, a custom-fitted denture that is permanently placed on the gums with the help of a limited number of titanium screws. This allows the individual to have a complete set of teeth without the need for many screws, but still have a substantial amount of “roots” to stabilize the jaw bone., November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
How Dental Implants from a Gentle Dentist Help Prevent Jaw Bone Loss
While bridges and dentures can address the aesthetic concerns that come with a missing tooth or teeth, these solutions are inadequate when it comes to preventing the structural changes that happen in the jaw. As such, experts recommend seeking a gentle dentist who can provide dental implants to replace missing teeth. While a bit more expensive than dentures or bridges upfront, these prove to be a better long-term investment as they last longer and come closest to looking, feeling, and functioning like real teeth. As implants are surgically placed along the jaw, their presence helps renew the bone's structural stability that went missing in the absence of the original teeth. This prevents any bone loss or deformation of the jaw. People looking for dental implants in Houston, TX can visit practices like Houston Smile Docs to have their jaw and areas with missing teeth assessed. These practices can give them the implants or other treatments they need over the course of a few visits., November 13, 2013
The Right Dentist in Houston Can Recommend the Best Use of an Implant
Dental implants are considered one of the most significant advancements in modern dentistry. They are effectively the best way to replace missing teeth. Compared to bridges, dental implants allow for the easier cleaning of teeth and gums. On top of that, they also last significantly longer. Compared to bridges and removable dentures, they also come closest to the look and feel of natural teeth. While dental implants have been proven to be safe for use and effective, experts suggest that they only be considered when teeth are already missing. If patients have problem teeth, it is recommended they first work with their dentist in Houston to examine all treatment options that will allow them to keep their natural teeth.